Skepticism, Atheism, and Religious Faith (Religious Studies 2LL3)
Fall 2014


Assignment due in class on September 22 from students with last names beginning in A-L

This assignment consists of attendance of the full class session on September 22, plus completing the written assignment below, to be submitted in class on September 22 only.

(Rationale: Text Summary assignments are designed to help you prepare the reading assignment for a particular class meeting, in conjunction with your participation in that class meeting, when we go over the reading selection together.)

If you cannot come to class on September 22, please plan to complete Text Summary 2 for September 29 instead.

beginning the writing assignment, please read:

You might also find it helpful to have a look at: (The text summary assignment is also being discussed in class on September 15.)

Please prepare a written summary (1-1.5 pages long, approximately 500 words) of:

(Be sure to use the print editions of the texts selected for this course, i.e., in this case:  Descartes, Discourse on Method, and Meditations on First Philosophy, trans. Donald A. Cress (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1998), available for purchase at the Campus Store.)

Detailed Instructions:

Note: Since this is your first reading of this text, and since we have not yet discussed it in class, the summary assignment is simply a first effort at figuring out what it says, and doing it will help you get the most of our in-class work on it.  The assignment is not evaluated for whether it demonstrates a good understanding of the reading, but for evidence of your having worked in detail to understand the reading. Your fuller understanding will develop in the course of our class meetings, and with successive re-readings.

Plagiarism Warning: This assignment is designed to be completed by means of independent work on Descartes' Meditations, aided by the guidance you have received in class/tutorial and by consulting the instructor and the TA: We are always available to discuss your questions of comprehension. It is neither necessary nor desirable that you consult outside sources in order to complete this assignment. Please remember that unacknowledged use of such sources constitutes plagiarism and is a violation of the university's Academic Integrity policy.

Please keep a copy of your summary to refer to in our class discussions of Descartes over the next couple of meetings.

posted/distributed September 15, 2014
updated September 16, 2014