God, Reason, and Evil (RS 3D03)
Winter 2003

TAKE-HOME QUIZ 5 - Assignment due in class March 19

Please read the following selections:

As Altman points out, disagreements about whether the Nuremberg Trial was justified can be framed in terms of the conflicting demands of legality and morality (Altman, 28-29).  Drawing on material from the Altman, Ball, and Douglas readings (i.e., from all three texts), lay out some of the important claims that have been made about the trial that appeal to the need to uphold legality.  Then give a similar sampling of important claims that have been made about the trial that appeal to the demands of morality.   

As for past quizzes, you needn't aim for definitive answers but a preliminary, thoughtful response based on close attention to the text.  (Be sure to substantiate your presentation with detailed references.) Your answer may also include 1-2 important questions raised by your reading for further discussion.

Please use parenthetical page references for your quotations and citations.   

Please type and double-space your answer, and number and staple the pages you hand in. 

posted March 14,  2003