Skepticism, Atheism, and Religious Faith (RS 3MM3)
Fall 2002


TAKE-HOME QUIZ 1 - Assignment due in class on September 13 (correction as of 9/6/02)

Please read the following texts by Descartes:

and address one of the following two questions in 2-4 well-written paragraphs. Since this is your first reading of these texts, and since we have not yet discussed them in class, you needn't aim for definitive answers but preliminary, thoughtful responses based on close attention to the text. Your answers may also include 1-2 important questions raised by your reading for further discussion.

  1. At the opening of Meditation 1, Descartes embarks on a "general demolition of my opinions." Based on your reading of the "Discourse on Method"; and the opening lines of Meditation 1, explain why he embarks on such a project. Be sure to substantiate your answer with citations and quotations.*
  2. Based on a detailed reading of Meditation 1, trace out what you see as the main steps Descartes takes in casting doubt on his opinions. That is: name each successive type of thing that is subjected to doubt, and indicate how each successive type of doubt is characterized. Support your answer with citations and quotations.*

*please refer not to the regular page numbers in the book, but to the marginal "Adam-Tannery" page numbers (see "Note on the Translation" at the beginning of the book), e.g., "(AT 41)."

Please type and double-space your answer, and number and staple the pages you hand in. 

Please keep a copy of your quiz to refer to in our class discussions of Descartes over the next few meetings.