Skepticism, Atheism, and Religious Faith (RS 3MM3)
Fall 2002


REVISED TAKE-HOME QUIZ 6 - Assignment due in class on November 20 or November 22

Read the selections in Martin Buber, I and Thou.  Answer the following question in 2-5 well-written paragraphs:

for November 20: Buber writes, "Those who experience do not participate in the world" (Part I, 56). Explain what Buber means by "experience." What concepts/ideas/terms is "experience" aligned with, and what concepts/ideas/terms is it opposed to? What examples are used to clarify this opposition?

for November 22: "There is no God-seeking" (Part III, 128):  What does Buber mean by this?  Which ideas that he puts forward about the I/You and the I/It in Part I prepare this observation?

Students who wish to make up a quiz that they missed can answer both questions for both days--please indicate on your quiz that this is what you are doing.  

As for past quizzes, you needn't aim for definitive answers but a preliminary, thoughtful response based on close attention to the text. Your answer may also include 1-2 important questions raised by your reading for further discussion.

Please type and double-space your answer, and number and staple the pages you hand in. 

Please keep a copy of your quiz to refer to in class discussion.


 posted November 14, 2002
revised November 16, 2002