Religious Studies 777 / Cultural Studies & Critical Theory 777 (Fall 2013)

The Theopolitical in Continental Philosophy and Jewish Thought

This syllabus is posted at and is also accessible by way of my home page (see below).  It will be updated periodically, and students in the class are asked to consult it regularly during the semester.

updated November 14, 2013


Dana Hollander, Department of Religious Studies, University Hall 109, (905) 525-9140, ext. 24759*,*,

*in your phone and e-mail messages, please let me know how I can reach you by phone

Office Hours:  Mondays, 5-6 p.m., or by appointment

☛ JUMP TO SCHEDULE: September / October / November / December


Against the background of Carl Schmitt's famous 1922 elaboration of the idea of "political theology," we will explore diverse considerations of theopolitical themes in works by Benjamin, Derrida, and Agamben. By way of studying Leo Strauss's Philosophy and Law (1935) and Moses Mendelssohn's Jerusalem, or On Religious Power and Judaism (1783) among other texts, we will also consider whether there is a sense of "political theology" that specifically captures the relationship of Judaism and the political.


Grades will be based on Participation/Presentations 45%, Final Paper 55%.

September 9

Organizational Meeting

September 16

Introduction: Political Theology, Judaism and Politics

Carl Schmitt, Political Theology. Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty (1922), trans. George Schwab [purchase book], chaps. 1-3

original: Politische Theologie. Vier Kapitel zur Lehre von der Souveränität  [book to be placed on reserve]

Leo Strauss, Philosophy and Law (1935), trans. Eve Adler (1995)  [purchase book]: Introduction

originalPhilosophie und Gesetz in Philosophie und Gesetz. Frühe Schriften, vol. 2 of Gesammelte Schriften [book on reserve]


Heinrich Meier, "What Is Political Theology?" in Interpretation 30 (2003).  (Also see: Meier, The Lesson of Carl Schmitt (1994), chap. 3; and Meier, Leo Strauss and the Theological-Political Problem, trans. Marcus Brainard (2003; Cambridge UP, 2006) [books on reserve].)

Background Reading on "Political Theology":

Hent de Vries, "Introduction: Before, Around, and Beyond the Theologico-Political" in de Vries and Lawrence E. Sullivan (eds.), Political Theologies. Public Religions in a Secular World (2006) [book on reserve]

General Readings/Resources on Judaism and Politics/History:

Ismar Schorsch, "On the History of the Political Judgment of the Jew" (1976), in From Text to Context: The Turn to History in Modern Judaism (1994) [book on reserve]

Menachem Lorberbaum, "Introduction" to Politics and the Limits of Law. Secularizing the Political in Medieval Jewish Thought (2001) [book on reserve]

-----, "Politics and Religion: Politics and Judaism" (2005) in Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd ed. [online]

The Jewish Political Tradition, ed. Walzer, Lorberbaum et al. vol. 1: Authority (2000), vol. 2: Membership (2003) [books on reserve]

General Readings/Resources on "Jewish Philosophy":

Ze'ev Levy, "The Nature of Modern Jewish Philosophy," in The History of Jewish Philosophy (1997/2003)

Paul Mendes-Flohr, "Jewish Philosophy and Theology" in The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies, ed. Martin Goodman (2002)

Contemporary Jewish Religious Thought, ed. Arthur A. Cohen and Paul Mendes-Flohr (1987)

September 23

Carl Schmitt, cont'd

The Concept of the Political (1927-1932), trans. George Schwab [purchase book], pp. 19-79

Supplementary: Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy (1926), trans. Ellen Kennedy [book on reserve], pp. 18-50.

Further Resources on Schmitt:

Lars Vinx, "Carl Schmitt" (2010) in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

David Dyzenhaus, "Friend and Enemy: Schmitt and the Politics of Law," chap. 2 of Legality and Legitimacy. Carl Schmitt, Hans Kelsen and Hermann Heller in Weimar (1997) [book on reserve]

Ellen Kennedy, Constitutional Failure. Carl Schmitt in Weimar (2004), chaps. 3-4 [book on reserve]

September 30  NO CLASS TODAY

October 7

Leo Strauss, cont'd

Philosophy and Law: Introduction, cont'd; chap. 1

Background Reading on the "Early Strauss":

David Janssens, Between Athens and Jerusalem. Philosophy, Prophecy, and Politics in Leo Strauss's Early Thought (2008) [book on reserve], chaps. 1-3

Supplementary Sources:

Julius Guttmann, The Philosophy of Judaism (1933), trans. David Silverman.  In an earlier edition, this book was entitled Philosophies of Judaism [both books on reserve]

Eliezer Schweid, "Religion and Philosophy: The Scholarly-Theological Debate between Julius Guttmann and Leo Strauss," Maimonidean Studies 1 (1990): 163-95.

SPECIAL MEETING TIME: October 15, 4-6 p.m.

Philosophy and Law: chap. 2

Introduction to Persecution and the Art of Writing (1952) (included in Leo Strauss, Jewish Philosophy and the Crisis of Modernity, ed. Kenneth Hart Green) [book on reserve]

October 21

Philosophy and Law: chap. 3

October 28

Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786)

Jerusalem, or On Religious Power and Judaism (1783), trans. Allan Arkush [purchase book], Section I

original: Jerusalem oder über religiöse Macht und Judentum, ed. David Martyn, or in Mendelssohn, Gesammelte Schriften. Jubiläumsausgabe, Band 8 [books on reserve]

Concordance for editions of Jerusalem

Introductory Readings on Mendelssohn:

Julius H. Schoeps, "1783. Moses Mendelssohn writes Jerusalem..." in Yale Companion to Jewish Writing and Thought in German Culture, 1096-1996, ed. Gilman/Zipes [book on reserve]

Allan Arkush, "Mendelssohn, Moses"  and Jay Harris, "Enlightenment, Jewish" in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1998)* [online/Mills Reference]

Daniel Dahlstrom, "Moses Mendelssohn" in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2002) [online]

Alexander Altmann, "Introduction" to Mendelssohn, Jerusalem, trans. Allan Arkush (1983) [purchase book]

Willi Goetschel, Spinoza's Modernity. Mendelssohn, Lessing, and Heine (2004), part 2, esp. chap. 10 [book on reserve]

*NOTE: To view the "Bibliography" portion of REP articles, click on "Bibliography" on the blue bar above the article heading.  

November 4

Mendelssohn, cont'd

Jerusalem, Section II

November 11

Benjamin, "Critique of Violence"

Walter Benjamin, "On the Critique of Violence" (1921) in Reflections, ed. Peter Demetz, trans. Edmund Jephcott (New York: Schocken, 1978) [book on reserve]

original: "Zur Kritik der Gewalt," in Gesammelte Schriften, vol. II.2.


Ian Balfour and Thomas Keenan, "Benjamin, Walter," in Michael Groden, Martin Kreiswirth, and Imre Szeman (eds.), Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism, 2nd ed. (Johns Hopkins UP, 2005) [online]

Samuel Weber, "Taking Exception to Decision," in Diacritics, vol. 22, no. 3-4 (Autumn-Winter 1992), repr. in Uwe Steiner (ed.), Walter Benjamin, 1892-1940, zum 100. Geburtstag (Bern: Peter Lang, 1992)

Friday, November 15 - PAPER PROPOSAL DUE

(detailed instructions to be communicated)

November 18

Jacques Derrida, "Force of Law: 'The Mystical Foundations of Authority'" (1989/1994) in Acts of Religion [book on reserve]

original: Force de loi. Le "fondement mystique de l'autorité," (1994). Cf. also the first version, published in a bilingual edition in Cardozo Law Review 11 (1989-1990)

Introductory Readings on Derrida:

Kevin Hart, "Jacques Derrida," in The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, ed. Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis, vol. 5: Twentieth-Century Philosophy of Religion (2009)

Jean-Michel Rabaté, "Derrida, Jacques," in Groden/Kreiswirth/Szeman (eds.), Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism, 2nd ed. (2005) [online]

Leonard Lawlor, "Jacques Derrida" (2006-2011), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy [online]

November 25

Giorgio Agamben, "The Messiah and the Sovereign: The Problem of Law in Walter Benjamin" (1992) in Potentialities [book on reserve]; State of Exception (2003) [book available for purchase]; Homo Sacer (1995), 63-67 [book on reserve]

December 2

selection from Jacques Derrida, The Politics of Friendship (1994), trans. George Collins [book on reserve]

    originalPolitiques de l'amitié, suivi de L'oreille de Heidegger [book on reserve]

Friday, December 13: Final Paper Due

(detailed instructions on submission to be communicated)

Copyright © 2008-2013 Dana Hollander