Religious Studies 777 / Cultural Studies & Critical Theory 777: Forgiveness - Atonement - Reconciliation (Fall 2014)

This syllabus is posted at and is also accessible by way of my home page (see below). It will be updated periodically, and students in the seminar are asked to consult it regularly during the semester.


Fridays, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., University Hall 122

updated October 14, 2014


Dana Hollander, Department of Religious Studies, University Hall 109, (905) 525-9140, ext. 24759*,*,

*in your phone and e-mail messages, please let me know how I can reach you by phone

Office Hours:  Wednesdays, 4-5 p.m.

☛ JUMP TO SCHEDULE: September / October / November / December


We will look at critical analyses of the themes of forgiveness, atonement, and reconciliation (which often also involve the themes of retribution and sacrifice) in works by Hermann Cohen, Vladimir Jankélévitch, Jacques Derrida, Emmanuel Levinas, and others. We may also look at theoretical reflections on related legal notions such as “"transitional justice.”"

  • Regular attendance, careful preparation of readings, and participation in class discussion.
  • One or two in-class presentation(s) designed to introduce one or more of the readings for class discussion.
  • A paper (15-20 pages), preceded by a paper proposal (1-3 pages, plus bibliography, due November 10) on a topic chosen in consultation with me, due December 15.

Grades will be based on Participation/Presentations 45%, Final Paper 55%.

September 12

Organizational Meeting

September 19, 26

Derrida on Forgiveness

“"To Forgive”" (1997-1999), trans. Elizabeth Rottenberg, in Questioning God, ed. John Caputo, Mark Dooley, and John Scanlon (Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2001)

Original: "Pardonner: l'impardonnable et l'imprescriptible" in Jacques Derrida, ed. Marie-Louise Mallet and Ginette Michaud (Paris: L'Herne, 2004) [book on reserve]

"“On Forgiveness,”" trans. Michael Hughes, On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness (London: Routledge, 2001). (Note that the interviewer questions are missing from the Routledge edition; an alternative translation, including the questions, is here.)

Original: interview with Michel Wieviorka, "“Le Siècle et le pardon,"” in Le Monde des Débats 9 (1999), reprinted in Foi et savoir, suivi de Le Siècle et le pardon (Paris: Seuil, 2000)


Derrida speaking on forgiveness at European Graduate School (video, 2004)

excerpt from the film Derrida (2002), including footage from an August 1998 lecture on forgiveness in South Africa

Interview with Professor Jacques Derrida conducted by Michal Ben-Naftali, trans. Moshe Ron (Jerusalem, January 8, 1998; posted on the website of the Shoah Research Center, Yad Vashem)

"On Forgiveness. A Roundtable Discussion with Jacques Derrida" (1999), in Questioning God, ed. Caputo et al.

"Justice et pardon," in Jacques Derrida, Sur parole. Instantanés philosophiques (Paris: L'Aube, 1999) - a compilation based on radio interviews from 1997-98

Background Reading on Derrida:

Kevin Hart, "Jacques Derrida," in Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis (eds.), The History of Western Philosophy of Religion (2009), vol. 5: Twentieth-Century Philosophy of Religion

Leonard Lawlor, "Jacques Derrida" (2006-2014), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Jean-Michel Rabaté, "Jacques Derrida" in Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism, 2nd ed. (2005)

Further Reading on Derrida:

Geoffrey Bennington, "Derridabase," in Bennington/Derrida, Jacques Derrida [book on reserve]

Jacques Derrida, "Letter to a Japanese Friend" (1985)

September 26, October 3

Vladimir Jankélévitch on Forgiveness

selections from: Forgiveness, trans. Andrew Kelley (U of Chicago P, 2005) [purchase book / book on reserve]

Original: Le Pardon (1967), in Philosophie morale (Paris: Flammarion, 1998) [book on reserve]

“Should We Pardon Them?” trans. Ann Hobart, Critical Inquiry 22 (1996) [print out from journal online]

Original: "“Pardonner?”" (1971) in L'’Imprescriptible. Pardonner? Dans l'’honneur et la dignité (Paris: Seuil, 1986) [book on reserve]

October 10

Derrida on the Gift

Jacques Derrida, Given Time: I. Counterfeit Money (1991), trans. Peggy Kamuf, chaps. 1 and 2 [book on reserve]

Original: Donner le temps 1. La fausse monnaie [book on reserve]

October 17

Derrida, Given Time (cont'd), along with:

  • Martin Heidegger, "Time and Being" (1962), trans. Joan Stambaugh, in On Time and Being
  • Original: "Zeit und Sein," in Zur Sache des Denkens

  • selection from Derrida, "Différance" (1968), in Margins of Philosophy, trans. Alan Bass

    Original: "Différance," in Marges de la philosophie

October 24

Emmanuel Levinas - Introduction

Ethics and Infinity. Conversations with Philippe Nemo (1982) [book on reserve]

Original: Ethique et infini [book on reserve]

"Dialogue" with Richard Kearney (1981), from Kearney, Dialogues with Contemporary Continental Thinkers [book on reserve]

"Revelation in the Jewish Tradition" (1977) in Beyond the Verse, trans. Gary D. Mole [book on reserve]: pp. 129-41 (esp. secs. I.1-I.4)

Original: "La Révélation dans la tradition juive," in L'Au-delà du verset [book on reserve]

Background Reading

Robert Bernasconi, "Levinas, Emmanuel" (1998), in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy* [online / Mills Reference]

Dana Hollander, "Levinas, Emmanuel," from The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism, 2nd ed., 2005 [handout / online (Note that the online version contains some errors.)]

*NOTE: To view the "Bibliography" portion of REP articles, click on "Bibliography" on the blue bar above the article heading.

Further Reading

Edith Wyschogrod, Emmanuel Levinas: The Problem of Ethical Metaphysics, 2nd ed. (2000)

Diane Perpich, The Ethics of Emmanuel Levinas (2008)

October 31

Levinas - A "Talmudic reading" on Forgiveness

"Toward the Other" (1963) in Nine Talmudic Readings, trans. Annette Aronowicz

Original: "Envers autrui" in Quatre lectures talmudiques

Background Reading

Annette Aronowicz, "Translator's Introduction" to Levinas, Nine Talmudic Readings

Additional Resources

"The Talmud" (2013), two-part BBC radio program.

A Page of Talmud (website by Eliezer Segal, University of Calgary)


Robert Gibbs, “Returning/Forgiving: Ethics and Theology” in Caputo et al. (eds.), Questioning God

Edith Wyschogrod, Emmanuel Levinas: The Problem of Ethical Metaphysics, 2nd ed. (2000): 188-94

——, “Repentance and Forgiveness: The Undoing of Time” in International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 60 (2006): 157-68

November 7 and 14

Hermann Cohen on Atonement

Religion of Reason Out of the Sources of Judaism (1919/1929), trans. Simon Kaplan (Scholars Press): chapters 10 and 11 [book on reserve]

Original: Religion der Vernunft aus den Quellen des Judentums, 2nd ed., ed. Bruno Strauss (1929) [book to be placed on reserve]

excerpt from "Love and Justice in the Concepts of God and Man" (1900), in a draft translation by D.H.

Original: "Liebe und Gerechtigkeit in den Begriffen Gott und Mensch" in Jüdische Schriften (Berlin: Schwetschke, 1924), vol. 3

Background Reading

Religion of Reason Out of the Sources of Judaism: Introduction

Andrea Poma, "Hermann Cohen: Judaism and Critical Idealism," chap. 5 of Morgan/Gordon (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Modern Jewish Philosophy (2007)

Louis Newman, "The Quality of Mercy: On the Duty to Forgive in the Judaic Tradition," Journal of Religious Ethics, vol. 15, no. 2 (Fall 1987): 155-72, esp. 159 ff.

Further Reading

Michael Zank, The Idea of Atonement in the Philosophy of Hermann Cohen (2000) [book on reserve]

Monday, November 10 - paper proposal due in Dr. Hollander's mailbox in UH 104 (office closes at 4 p.m.)

November 21
- No class. Instructor at a conference.

November 28

"Political Forgiveness," "Political Apology," and Religion

selections from Danielle Celermajer, The Sins of the Nation and the Ritual of Apologies (2009) [book on reserve]

Nigel Biggar, "Making Peace or Doing Justice: Must We Choose?" in Biggar (ed.), Burying the Past. Making Peace and Doing Justice after Civil Conflict (2001) [book on reserve]

Alice MacLachlan, "The Philosophical Controversy over Political Forgiveness," in Public Forgiveness in Post-Conflict Contexts, ed. B. A. M. Stokkom et al. (2012), or download pre-publication version here

Background Reading

Nir Eisikovits, "Transitional Justice," Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2009/2014).


"Political Forgiveness," "Political Apology," and Religion (continued)

Thomas Brudholm, "On the Advocacy of Forgiveness After Mass Atrocities," chap. 6 of Brudholm/Cushman, The Religious in Responses to Mass Atrocity. Interdisciplinary Perspectives (2009)

Thomas Brudholm and Valérie Rosoux, “The Unforgiving: Reflections On The Resistance To Forgiveness After Atrocity” Law and Contemporary Problems, vol. 72 (Spring 2009): 33-50

Copyright © Dana Hollander