Project Goals, Objectives and Activities


  • To create a culture of research and evaluation at AMREF-Kenya -- in collaboration with partnering NGOs in the region, AMREF-Canada, and McMaster University affiliated faculty operating through the Father Sean O'Sullivan Research Centre and Salama SHIELD Foundation -- which is capable of catalyzing program planning processes in response to priority health and development concerns.

In order to create a such a culture, a process needs to be established to:

  • permit interactive, regular, and ongoing communication between the partner institutions;
  • institutionalize opportunities for stakeholders in each of these institutions -- and between institutions and cross-cutting sectors -- to conduct relevant research and evaluation in health and development; and
  • accomplish these aims and objectives in a manner that is theoretically informed, methodologically appropriate to specific health and development concerns, unencumbered by bureaucractic resistance, and predicated on the best available experience and evidence.


Based on the priority health and development concerns addressed by AMREF-Kenya, the project objectives are:

  • examine what are the appropriate research and evaluation theories and methods that will strengthen the program planning process; in short, adopt innovative and improved methodologies and theoretical perspectives in research and evaluation for advancing health and development programming;
  • develop criteria for intervention design, dissemination, and evaluation that incorporates not only quantitative, but qualitative and participatory research evidence;
  • design, disseminate, and evaluate two specific intervention projects related to two priority health and development concerns for AMREF-Kenya: adolescent sexual and reproductive health and, trauma and injury prevention.

In the context of these two proposed intervention cases, a specific objectives is:

  • develop measures, instruments, and criteria for the evaluation of the intervention impacts.


In the process of establishing a culture for research and evaluation at AMREF-Kenya – a culture that seeks to catalyze umbrella NGOs in the region – specific activities include:

  • Two, 5-day research, evaluation, and impact assessment workshops at AMREF-Kenya that will involve the participation of representatives from at least 6 umbrella NGOs. There will be approximately 25 participants in each workshop; with one workshop per year, there will be at least 50 persons trained over a two year period;
  • Two, 5-day, training of trainers (TOT) workshops on problem-based learning methods in research and evaluation. There will be approximately 30 persons in each of the two workshops, with a total of 60 persons trained as trainers;
  • Creation of a user-friendly, computerized research and evaluation project management system for at least six umbrella NGOs in the region (2 in Kenya, 2 in Uganda, and 2 in Tanzania).

Finally, in the spirit of facilitating an iterative, interactive learning process for research and evaluation between AMREF-Canada, AMREF-Kenya, and McMaster University-based scholars, a fourth activity is to:

  • Undertake two, two-way exchange visits between AMREF-Kenya personnel and McMaster University (i.e., in year 1, two selected AMREF-Kenya persons would go to McMaster University for purposes of independent research and writing; in year 2, two McMaster University-affiliated faculty would go to AMREF-Kenya to participate in research and evaluation studies on the two intervention case studies)

 Research & Evaluation Needs

 Benefits to the Partners

 The Research and Evaluation, Forum Loop

Priority Health Concerns at AMREF-Kenya

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