Skepticism, Atheism, and Religious Faith (RS 3MM3)
Fall 2007


Assignment due in class on September 24* from students with last names beginning in J-R

*Since part of the value of the text summary assignment is that it will prepare you to be an active participant in tutorial and in class, it may only be submitted in class on the day it is due.  If you have to miss that day's class, please contact the instructor or TA to make alternate arrangements.

Please prepare a written summary (2-3 pages** long) of Meditation 3.  In preparing this summary, please consult: 

  • Hugo Bedau, Thinking and Writing About Philosophy, 2nd ed. (2002), pp. 7-15 [selection in coursepack / book on reserve]
  • Gordon Harvey, Writing with Sources, pp. 1-5; 20 ("Abbreviated Citation for Frequently Used Sources"), and 37-38 ("In-Text Style for the Humanities") [selection in coursepack / purchase book / book on reserve]

René Descartes

Your parenthetical references should be not to the regular page numbers in the book, but to the marginal "Adam-Tannery" page numbers (see "Note on the Translation" at the beginning of the book), e.g., "(AT 41)."

**Your assignment should be printed double-spaced and with one-inch margins, using a 10-12-point font.  Please number and staple the pages you hand in. 

Please keep a copy of your summary to refer to in our class discussions of Descartes over the next few meetings.


posted/distributed September 17, 2007