Skepticism, Atheism, and Religious Faith (RS 3MM3)
Fall 2007

Recall that Text Preparation 2 was cancelled; members of Group 2 are free to submit this or any other remaining Text Preparation instead.

Assignment due in class on November 12* from members of Group 4

*Since part of the value of the text preparation assignment is that it will prepare you to be an active participant in tutorial and in class, it may only be submitted in class on the day it is due.  If you have to miss that day's class, please contact the instructor or TA to make alternate arrangements.

Please re-read:

  • Immanuel Kant, selection from Critique of Practical Reason (1788), trans. Mary Gregor [included in coursepack; or copy from Practical Philosophy on reserve: pp. 236-55]: Part V ("The Existence of God as a Postulate of Pure Practical Reason").

and please read:

and address the following two questions, with close attention to the texts. 

1. (one well-written paragraph)  According to Kant, in what respects does the Christian doctrine of morals conform to "the moral law"?

2a. (2 well-written paragraphs)  Buber writes, "Those who experience do not participate in the world" (p. 56). Explain what Buber means by "experience." What concepts/ideas/terms is "experience" aligned with, and what concepts/ideas/terms is it opposed to? What examples are used to clarify this opposition?

- or -

2b. (2 well-written paragraphs) What might it mean for the I/You relation to be "exclusive"?


Since this is your first reading of this text, and since we have not yet discussed it in class, you are not being asked to supply definitive answers but preliminary, thoughtful responses based on close attention to the text. Your answers may also include 1-2 important questions raised by your reading for further discussion.  

In preparing this assignment, please follow the citation guidelines in 

Your assignment should be printed double-spaced and with one-inch margins, using a 10-12-point font.  Please number and staple the pages you hand in. 

Please keep a copy of your assignment to refer to in our class discussion.



posted November 6, 2007