An R Companion to Applied Regression, Second Edition

John Fox and Sanford Weisberg

R Scripts for Chapters and Appendices

Disclaimer: These scripts are provided for readers of Fox and Weisberg, An R Companion to Applied Regression, 2nd Edition (Sage, 2011). Others are welcome to use them, and we are of course always interested in learning about errors in the text or scripts, but if you are not a reader of the book, please do not ask us questions about the scripts.


bullet Ch. 1: Getting Started With R
bullet Ch. 2: Reading and Manipulating Data
bullet Ch. 3: Exploring and Transforming Data
bullet Ch. 4: Fitting Linear Models
bullet Ch. 5: Fitting Generalized Linear Models
bullet Ch. 6: Diagnosing Problems in Linear and Generalized Linear Models
bullet Ch. 7: Drawing Graphs
bullet Ch. 8: Writing Programs

Appendices: (some not yet available)

bullet Nonlinear Regression
bullet Robust and Resistant Regression
bullet Nonparametric Regression
bullet Time-Series Regression
bullet Cox Regression for Survival Data
bullet Multivariate Linear Models
bullet Mixed-Effects Models
bullet Structural-Equation Models
bullet Multiple Imputation of Missing Data
bullet Bootstrapping

Download a zip file with all of the chapter scripts.
Download a zip file with all of the appenidx scripts.

Last modified:  26 September 2012 by John Fox < jfox AT >