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Early Career Researcher Award

Early Career Researcher Award

The Faculty of Social Sciences Early Career Researcher Award recognizes the research excellence of an early career Social Sciences faculty member. 

Research excellence is demonstrated through contributions to one’s field of study, an ability to provide a stimulating and challenging research environment that incorporates students and mentoring, and an ability to communicate research results effectively to relevant audiences. 

Winners receive a prize of $1000. 

dr. jessica maxwell

Early Career Researcher Award Winners

Dr. Jessica Maxwell

Congratulations to Dr. Jessica Maxwell of the Department of Health, Aging and Society, winner of the 2024 McMaster Faculty of Social Sciences Early Career Researcher Award.

Information Box Group

Past Winners

2023 – Dr. Jonathan Zhang, Department of Economics and Dr. Jennifer Ma, the School of Social Work
2022  Dr. Nathan Andrews, Department of Political Science and Dr. Nicole Dalmer, Department of Health, Aging & Society
2021  Dr. Clifton van der Linden, Department of Political Science
2020 – Dr. Vanessa Watts, Department of Sociology and Dr. Adam Lavecchia, Department of Economics
2019 – Dr. Ameil Joseph, School of Social Work
2018 – Dr. Matthew Thiessen, Department of Religious Studies 

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Early Career Researcher Award a nominee must be a member of McMaster University’s Faculty of Social Sciences: 

  • with a teaching or tenure-stream appointment 
  • within 10 years of completion of their PhD or 10 years from the start of their first tenure track appointment 

Self-nominations are eligible. 

Application Timeline

Notice of Intent: Monday March 3, 2025. Email your brief NOIs to: 

Full Nomination: Monday March 31, 2025. Full nominations due to: 

Results to be announced: May 2025

To Apply

Notice of Intent: Monday March 3, 2025

Please send an email to Christine Hollins at by 4:00 p.m. that includes the name of the nominee. 

Full Nomination: Monday, March 31, 2025

Please send an email to Christine Hollins at by 4:00 p.m. and must include the full nomination package outlined below. 

The full nomination will consist of: 

  • A maximum two-page letter justifying the nomination 
  • The nominee’s McMaster CV 
  • Optional: maximum one-page free form supplement. Information included in the supplement can include, but are not limited to: relevant activities not demonstrated in the CV, additional explanation of the significance of research, links to online materials, images, links to video material etc. 

Evaluation Criteria

The Selection Committee will evaluate the candidates’ nominations using the following criteria: 

  • Originality and significance of the research within the nominee’s field 
  • Excellence of research impacts including those in the broader community and scholarly accomplishments, such as research monographs, peer-reviewed articles, grants for scholarship, and creative works 
  • Level of nominee’s integration of research and teaching, training and/or education 


This award will be adjudicated by a selection committee constituted by the Dean of Social Sciences and Associate Dean Research.

If you have any questions, please contact Christine Hollins: