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Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour?

Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour is the scientific study of brain and behaviour. It covers topics from perception to cognition to emotion and from social behaviour to psychopathology (how and why behaviours sometimes go wrong). It explores evolution and brain development and the impact of experience and environment.

2. What are the program options for Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour? What GPA/courses do I need?

Program options are:

3. What is the difference between PNB, Human Behaviour, and Social Psychology?

PNB focuses on experiment aspects of Psychology. Human Behaviour focuses on applying aspects of Psychology. Social Psychology focuses on an individual’s place in society.

4. What can I do with this degree? What are the career pathways?

With an Honours B.A. PNB degree, you can go to graduate school in experimental psychology, then become a research assistant or complete a postdoctoral fellowship and become a professor. You can also go to graduate school in experimental psychology, then become a Clinical Psychologist. You might also go to Medical School and eventually specialize to become a Psychiatrist.

If you develop a strong background in computer science (such as machine learning or AI) during your degree, you might want to become a data analyst after graduation.

With an Honours B.A.Sc. in Human Behaviour, you go on to postgraduate degrees where you study to become a Psychotherapist. People with Human Behaviour degrees can also help non-profits, and companies understand how concepts from Psychology can apply to real-life situations.

5. What are some experiential opportunities in the program?

In the PNB programs, students can work in researchers’ labs on projects in Level 2, 3 and 4. There is also a fourth-year thesis opportunity which can be a great jumping off point for graduate school.

In the Human Behaviour program, students work on experiential projects in third year under faculty supervisors and on fourth-year capstone projects. These projects focus on science communication and policy.

6. Is there a math requirement for the programs?

Yes. For PNB, a student must have MATH 1LS2 or MATH 1A03 or MATH 1M03. MATH 1K03 or Grade 12 is required for Human Behaviour. Students who don’t have the math prerequisite but are otherwise admissible will get a conditional offer, and they can take the missing course in the Spring/Summer session.

7. Is there a biology requirement for the programs?

Yes, the PNB and Human Behaviour programs require Grade 12 Biology or BIO 1P03.