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Sociology FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Sociology?

Sociology is the study of how social forces such as class, race, gender and sexuality shape people and society. It studies relationships, processes, institutions, human behaviour, attitudes, and other social issues. It examines the organization of the social world, focusing particularly on inequalities between groups.

2. What are the program options for Sociology? What GPA/courses do I need?

Program options are:

3. What can I do with this degree? What are the career pathways?

A degree in Sociology provides a foundation for many careers:

  • Human Resources Management
  • Teaching
  • Journalism
  • Law and Criminal Justice
  • Not-for-Profit Sector
  • Policy Analysis
  • Social Services
  • Market Research
  • Data Analysis
  • Counseling or Social Work
  • Business
  • Protection Services
  • Non-Governmental Organization Work

4. What are some experiential opportunities in the program?

Some of our courses provide experiential opportunities, most notably Sociology 4KK3 (Sociology through Community Engagement and Service). In this course, you will acquire knowledge and develop skills while helping the community.

5. How is Sociology different from Psychology?

Sociology is broader than psychology. Sociology examines the individual, as psychology does, but it also examines issues that go beyond the individual, such as the role of social institutions.

6. Is Sociology a good program if I am interested in a law-related career?

Definitely! We offer several courses on the social aspects of law (including a course titled Law and Society and another course titled Power, Conflict, and the Law). Many of our other courses address aspects of society that are connected to the law, for example deviance, immigration, media, families, environment, and imprisonment.

7.What job-related skills can be acquired through a Sociology program?

Completing a Sociology degree will give you background in various research methods, and these skills are highly marketable. You will also develop strong communication skills, analytical skills, and other skills valued by employers.